The Mighty Haven turned out what could be a record number of BHBC players for this year’s ANZAC Day tournament at Milford BC. This year the beneficiary organisation was St Johns Ambulance, a well deserving organisation that touches many lives.
Four teams of Triples from the Club entered the fray at 1p.m. on one of the most perfect afternoons a bowler could wish for, clear skies and the merest of gentle zephyrs stirring the equilibrium. For operational reasons the field was split into two sections with the Pairs playing in one and the Triples in the other, with Beach Haven figuring not only in the raffle winning stakes (with at least seven prizes amongst our teams from the generous draw) but also by winning the Triples section by a narrow margin. Our winning team of Ian & Mandy Little & Rick Markovina each received a bottle of bubbly from the sponsor of the day, Tony White (Harcourts Cooper & Co. Real Estate). Judging from their expressions they were all pretty pleased with themselves, and why not? Ian Little responded to the presentation of prizes with a brief but very gracious speech thanking Tony White and also Milford Bowling Club for putting on a well run tounament, a beautiful green and above all their usual great hospitality.
Just to show The Badger has wider jounalistic interests than simply bowls, your attention is drawn to the latest sartorial trend in Bowling headgear modelled by our own Martin Hoani who sported a daring Meringue Cap. In the words of the Kinks “He is a most Dedicated Follower of Fashion”. Martin and Bernie are off to Paris soon so with a bit of luck he might take it with him and leave it there……
Also Martin, can you explain why you were having trouble locating your beer, it was only your second!