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Closing Day 27th May 2017 (Symbolically Only!!!)

As the sun slowly set over the trees and the beautiful Upper Waitemata Harbour on Saturday, so we symbolically marked the setting of the sun on our outdoor Season for 2016/17. The lowering of the Flag on Closing Day is an important occasion in the Bowling Calendar as it traditionally marks the end of our sporting year. However the reality is these days that with so many all-weather greens now available, Bowling has become an all year round sport and many clubs are running Open tournaments during the winter months. So while on Saturday we were marking the end of the Season we are also heralding the start of the next. Not many sports offer twelve months participation for the price of what was once an eight-month season!

The Weather Gods were kind once again as many of our members, friends and supporters gathered to honour those who have enjoyed a successful year at the Club and in events elsewhere. The Club also enjoyed its first success in a Centre event, the Mixed Pennants Event run earlier in the Season. President Doug welcomed our two VIPs for the day, Graham Dorreen, Chairman of North Harbour Bowls Association and Stuart Weir of the Birkenhead Licensing Trust. He also thanked Morris Pita for his outstanding voluntary contribution to the Club without which we would have great difficulty in maintaining our superb green and its surroundings. After a short address from Graham on the state of the sport in our Region he graciously aided our MC, Ian Little, with the Prize-giving.

Our gathering was a little smaller than usual this year as some of our regular members were enjoying a break overseas or had family or other commitments. However that did not preclude those members present, or our visitors, from enjoying a very social afternoon sharing the successes of those who were presented with the Cups or Trophies marking their achievements during the season. The lively and happy atmosphere was aided by the provision by the members of a very tasty afternoon tea and the opening of the Bar. The smiles evident in our picture gallery say it all!!

Altogether it was a fitting ceremony for what has been an exciting and encouraging season for the Club on many counts. We look forward to 2017/18 year with great anticipation.

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