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Bowls North Harbour Awards Report - 26th June 2017

For the first time in its history, Beach Haven Bowls Club was honoured in the Bowls North Harbour Annual Awards at Orewa Bowling Club on Sunday 25th June. What is equally important is that it was not just one award, but two!

The first was a much deserved BNH Volunteer of the Year Award for Morris Pita, who has been the most loyal and hard-working member that any Club could wish to have. Our submission to BNH on Morris to support our nomination as an Awardee is as follows:-

Morris is a Founder Member of the Club (1993) and during the setting up of the Club, construction of the Club House and the Green, Morris was an unstinting and tireless member of the inaugural Club Committee. In 1998 our first Greenkeeper, Ray Wagstaff, retired and Morris took the responsibility on in a most professional manner. However, unlike nearly all Greenkeepers, for the past twenty seasons the care and attention Morris has paid to our green has been entirely on a Voluntary basis. During that time we have been able to enjoy a beautifully kept green and well maintained berms, acquired an appropriate range of good quality machinery and tools, and provide shelters and floodlighting for our membership. These facilities have been almost exclusively achieved due to the energy and organisational skills that Morris has bought to the Club. It should also be noted that Morris was nominated Greenkeeper of the Year by the Auckland Greekeepers Association in 2010.

Despite the literally thousands of hours that Morris has spent on his duties, he has also taken part in many of our Club competitions and been a popular member, and contributor to, the Social activities associated with the Club. He has also represented the Club as a member of our Championship teams on many occasions. It would not be an understatement to claim that without his efforts our Club would probably not have the position it has within the Beach Haven community as a well equipped sports venue.

Morris is a quiet and modest man who does not seek the limelight and would probably be a little embarrassed if he was aware that this nomination was being made. The nomination is being made with the unanimous support of the Club’s Executive Committee and we firmly believe that should he be selected for this Award it will be a well deserved personal honour for him.

This nomination barely does Morris’s efforts full justice as his service to the Club really cannot be measured but the Executive Comittee has little doubt that without Morris we would be finding it much harder to keep the Club in a financially viable position.

Morris, we were delighted to have our nomination for you accepted and hope you will continue to serve the Club for many seasons to come.

The second award for Beach Haven was for the Mixed Pennants Team, which played in Division 1 this year and took out the top placing. A few members of the team were present at the Awards Ceremony and thoroughly enjoyed the honour and priviledge of accepting the Pennant from BNH Board Member John McCormack.

The last few seasons have seen Beach Haven become more competitive in Centre events and the 2016/17 season saw those efforts produce some tangible evidence that with dedication and good organisation, we can run with some of the best teams on the area.

BHBC would like to take this opportunity to thank Orewa Bowling Club for their hospitality in hosting the Awards and the Bowls North Harbour Board for their organisation of a very enjoayble event.

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