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AGM 16th July 2017 Well Attended

Postponing The Beach Haven Bowls Club AGM from the 26th June until 16th July resulted in a much better attendance of members and so future AGMs may well be scheduled for a Sunday rather than Saturday. Another benefit was that it was a lovely bright winter’s day and the sunshine did its best to warm the Club Room up a bit.

President Douglas welcomed all present and accepted the pleasantly few Apologies, most of which were due to holidays and family commitments. His address expressed thanks to the year’s Executive Committee for the smooth running of the Club with the result that we have an excellent standard of Green, attractive Grounds, a tidy Clubhouse and good catering and bar services.

Our Treasurer, Ray Anderson, reported that the Club was in sound financial health, due almost entirely to the income from the successful Tournaments and Social Evenings hosted by the Club over the past few years. Although not expressed in detail at the time, this has prompted the Executive to make plans for upgrading the access paths around the green, the bowls and implements shed, replacing the old wooden tool shed and maintenance work on the deck area. It is hoped that this work will be completed during the 17/18 year with the help of a grant from the Birkenhead Licensing Trust.

The income from Club Membership Fees barely covers the running costs of the Club for two months, but it was deemed that they need not be increased provided we maintain our close association with our sponsors and continue to run open tournaments for the benefit of the membership, visitors and the community at large.

The Executive Committee for the 17/18 year was nominated and duly elected as follows:-

President:- Richard Ponting Vice President:- Douglas Laughlan Secretary:- Eileen Ponting Minutes Sec:- Elaine West Teasurer:- Ray Anderson Green Keeper:- Morris Pita Events:- Anne Woulfe Coaching:- Roy Parker Ex Portfolio:- Sandra Hilson

Other Apppointments:-

House Manager:- Douglas Laughlan Match Convenor:- Rick Markovina Club Delegate:- Ian Little Events:- Anne Woulfe Grounds Manager:- Roy Parker Media Manager:- Richard Ponting

The meeting also addressed the possibility of increasing the membership by promoting the profile of Club in various ways, adding an extra Club Night to the programme during the Summer months and also increasing the level of sponsorship from local businisses. The incoming Executive were charged with adressing these matters as a priority.

President Douglas perfomed his final duty by presenting Morris Pita with his much deserved Certificate as Bowls North Harbour’s Volunteer of the Year Award for his services to the Club since its inception in 1993.

Douglas then closed the meeting at 11.50am and Richard Ponting called for an acknowledgement from the meeting for Douglas who had guided the Club through some difficult times during his tenure.

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