We are looking forward to our Opening Day on September 16th (which is only 7 weeks away - less than 50 sleeps!) and the NEW SEASON. Yes, I am aware that the weather is not exactly tropical and there is a little more water around than most people want at the moment, but time is passing fast and before we know it spring will have sprung. We must therefore prepare for our new season now. As part of this preparatory work your new President has asked me to keep providing news-worthy material for this page - and also offered to double my remuneration. (I had to remind him that 2 x 0 = 0 but he just smiled and told me to get on with it. Nice guy!)
Anyway, enough of this rubbish, let's get on with the really important stuff.
It is worth remembering that Beach Haven Bowling Club is a Community Organisation, not an elite "Members Only By Invitation" Club. It is run by the Community, for the Community. It is also well regarded by local support groups such at the Kaipatiki Ward Committee, Kaipatiki Community Trust, local businesses and other Bowling and general sports Clubs in the area. Many of our current members arrived for their first visit out of curiosity by just turning up and found that Bowling the Beach Haven way was a lot of fun. See a selection of Photos from past events on this FaceBook page.
Our sport is universal in its appeal and our current membership ranges from early twenties to - er - a good bit older! Membership is open to all and the Club welcomes those new to bowling as well as past bowlers or those just moving into the Beach Haven area. This visit to our website will give you all the contact details you will need and also provide some history of the Club and our sport which has its roots in the European Middle Ages.
So, put the date in your diary and come along to our Open Day on 16th September at 2pm and find out what all the fuss is about, we would love to see you!