The Mighty Haven has hosted its first OAC Triples event for the year, and was generously supported by Healthcare Application Ltd’s Emergency Q App which provides immediate advice on the location and availability of the closest emergency healthcare on your smart phone. Well worth investigating in bowling demographics!!
Go To:- https://itunes.apple.com/nz/app/emergency-q/id1122976816…
With teams representing many of our local Clubs and also one from Auckland Centre in the form of Central (Good to see you guys, come and see us again) we had nearly a full green. Sincere thanks go to all who turned out on such a hot day to show your support for The Mighty Haven. It is very much appreciated.
The final results were close and 3rd and 4th were separated by only 1 end with Mary Gulbrandsen’s team from Sunnybrae being narrowly pipped by Mick Moodie’s team (Ruth Lynch & Merv Garrard). Second place went to Roy Parker’s team (Terry Henshaw & Sandy Cleghorn) and, with the only 4 winnners of the day, Ian Little and his team (Mandy Little & Bernie Hoani) taking top honors.
Ian Mugglestone (among others) will be surprised to read that even a seasoned and hardened journalist (as is The Badger) could not fault Mr Little’s gracious acceptance speech thanking his team and all others concerned for their particpation in so many ways to the success of the day.
It was also extremely pleasing to welcome our good friend Gary Helmling to The Haven following his recent health scare. Good to see you up and about again Gary, long may it continue.
The only problem we now have is that having won two successive tournaments, Ian’s 2018 unbeaten record still stands and he will be constantly reminding all and sundry of it!