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Closing Day 26thMay 2018 Well Attended

Closing Day 26thMay 2018 Well Attended

Our Closing day on Sat 26thMay was one of the best attended for some time despite apologies from a few who could not make it. A gathering of well over 30 Playing and Social members enjoyed a very convivial afternoon having been visited before the meeting started by both the aspiring Candidates in the upcoming by-election. Dan Bidois and Shanan Halbert are both very personable characters, and Shannan managed to pull in two Ministers (Grant Robertson and Clare Curren) as well as Ann Hartley, a familiar and welcome face to us for many years. The concurrent appearance of both candidates made for an amusing few moments for all concerned and got the afternoon off to good start.

Closing Day is a time for celebrating the winners of Tournaments and Club Championships and other oustanding deeds of our members. Our Club Captain, Ian Little, did an splendid job of keeping the ball rolling with humour and the appropriate level of gravitas when required. Well done Ian, it was a great presentation.

This is not the time or place to list all recipients and their achievements, but one stands out above all others. We do not award the Status of Life Member lightly, however the nomination of Barry Milne to Life Member was unanimously supported by the Executive and judging by the approbation on the day it was also clearly supported by the wider membership. For once, Barry was speechless as he stood before the meeting. His service to the Club over many years has been selfless and he is an exemplary model of what membership is all about. We do not see much of him on the green these days, but he remains a frequent and welcome attender at Club events.

The gallery attached to this post is by no means a complete record but captures the essence of the day and conveys the light-hearted atmosphere of the afternoon very well.

President Richard’s report covered the year’s activities of the Club and also presaged the closed-season plans for Club facilities upgrades and longer term projects with a very positive theme running through it all. The Club is clearly poised for a great future for all levels and grades of membership.

Watch this space for news of Social Events during the winter and the not so distant Opening Day in September.

For full details on the Awards Presented on Saturday, please visit Awards Page.

The Badger

Press & Publicity Officer

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